26 December 2009

Deep Breathe

I've been avoiding blogging about the last few weeks. I don't know how to explain it,
its just been hard. That's life though, right? Hard?
I'll give you a rundown and explain more later when I understand stuff better. My brain takes longer to process things I guess.

I applied for the SOAR scholarship - totally went out on a limb and applied, even did a video of myself as a part of the submission! AH! I know, something that I usually shy away from, but I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone. So if you're interested check it out:


Its video #37, and if you like it leave a comment??
We find out the three lucky winners January 8, so cross your fingers and pray. :)

A more serious note - right before our vacation, Charlie was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. Kind of a shock to be honest. He's always been really healthy, eats rights, exercises... then BAM! Our lives have changed overnight and we're reeling with how steep this learning curve actually is; I knew nothing about Diabetes until 2 1/2 weeks ago. Now we're working with needles and finger pricks, logging every bit of food he eats and trying desperately to understand it all. Thankfully he still has his student insurance so that's helping us pay for all the new equipment.
We don't know what this means for us long term, we're still trying to figure it all out. Just please keep us in your prayers. He's only 23 - and this is a lot.

First week of the Christmas break Krissy, Charlie and I all flew to Chicago/Michigan to spend a week there in the snow, with our dad and seeing old friends.
Good times.
I'll post a blog about it soon. :)

Now we're home, Christmas is over and the New Year is around the corner. Is anyone else really excited about 2010???

05 December 2009

The Little Train That Could

I think I can... I think I can... I think I can...

I know I can? I know I can... I know I can.

03 December 2009

Hello December

Is it really December already?
I'm so excited for the end of 2009 - 2010 is going to be MUCH better :)
I feel like I'm reading the story of my life and I'm counting down the pages of a chapter and can't wait to get to the next one to see what happens.

Christmas is around the corner. I love Christmas.
This year with our current living situation I'm not going to have my tree up,
or my awesome Christmas decorations - but I am putting up our stockings at least. :)
and my coffee mugs with mittens on them will be out. lol

Charlie and I (and maybe my sister) are going to Michigan for a week before Christmas. I'm excited to see WINTER! and see my friends, eat yummy food and be where my soul calls home.
I'm trying to get Chicago Bulls tickets. Yes, I live in Southern California and am NOT a Laker fan. I stick to my roots and am loyal to my team. I want to go to Anthropologie in Chicago - somehow I just think it'll be sweeter? My two loves, in one.

Today is my awesome cousin Nick's birthday. I feel so blessed to love my family and have friendships with them. Life is good.

I know I'm rambling... I'll be done. I'm debating on getting frozen yogurt. So until tomorrow. :)