13 June 2010

Another Graduation

I'm simply amazed at how fast this last year has gone by.
Although, I guess I can't be surprised, time flies as you get older...
is it just me or does that upset you?
I had a lot of friends who graduated today from college.
Super proud.
As I sat at my dear friend Kendra's graduation party,
I was struck by the fact that she (along with a small group of close friends)
have been a part of my life for close to a decade already. When did that happen?
I love them all, and am SO honored to get to watch their lives
one graduated with her Masters today
one moved to New York to attend NYU for his graduate school
another has a beautiful 2 year-old boy
and then of course there is that one who I swear is an angel on this Earth -
she keeps smiling and loving & is truly beautiful.

So at the end of the day, I'm utterly exhausted but so very content.
Charlie and I talked about how blessed we are to have
such an amazing group of people in our lives -
Love you all.

Ok, I'm going to get emotional... I should to go sleep. :)

01 June 2010

Official Website News

I'm so excited to announce that www.katieschoepflin.com will be officially launched
Friday June 18, 2010 at 12 Noon!
So until then I'm working quite hard on getting it ready for all of you to see. :) Spread the word!
Until then I'm working on getting my name out there, and booking more sessions.
Last night I released the Start of Summer Promo that we're having as a warm up for the website launch. What it means is that anyone who books a session with me before the site is launched will have the promo prices!!!
So if you know anyone who is wanting photos for engagement, family fun, maternity, newborn, wedding... etc. Send them my info!!! :)

I'm super excited to get this all started - everything is falling into place.

Keep checking for more news - and until then give me a jingle/send me an email if you're interested.

(951) 941-6854 OR katie.schoepflin@gmail.com


Somehow I forgot my Xanga account's password.
Maybe it'll drop into my head sometime today???
I need some time to reminisce.

26 May 2010

School? What school?

I have a dilemma.

I LOVE school - I love the process of tackling new subject matter and absorbing it into my noggin. If I could, I would take classes in all the different areas - more literature, science and math classes for sure, but also art, language and political science! However, I have a small problem...
I HATE doing the work involved. Haha

Do you see the problem? :)

I can read, discuss and write about what I'm learning; I can't seem to do the "busy work" that is usually involved - the projects, the assignments and I don't usually do well on multiple choice quizzes/tests. Sigh.

I'm currently in a Brain Science class that's geared for future teachers (which I really don't see myself as a future teacher. :\) I'm loving the material! All the psych-like information is just fascinating to me, making me think that I should go more for a Neuropsychology PhD program vs something else. So that's all fine - my problem = the homework side of things.
I have a presentation tomorrow - all interesting material to present to the class, its just I have NO motivation to put it together and get in front of a class of my peers and Present.

That's all... that's my rambling for the day, enough procrastination. The hubby is going to do P90X as a break time with me, that way I can clear my head and tackle this presentation afterwards.

Hope you all have a great day!

20 May 2010

Alex & Ryan's Photo Shoot Slideshow

I had the amazing opportunity to rent some pretty shnazzy camera equipment 2 weeks ago, so I took advantage of it being here and did several shoots. This one is my cousin Alex and her hubby Ryan. Alex is one of the greatest people I know and I love having her be in my family - family that are friends too are the best. :) We love you guys! Thank you for letting us capture some of these shots.

19 May 2010

Being productive

Yep, that's right, I'm being productive. :)

3 slideshows total are done, I'm still working on some finishing touches for Shelan's grad announcement shoot, then I'll put that up too.
I'm having so much fun!!! LOVE it!

I'll work on getting those slideshows up on here in the next day or so, just getting them up onto Facebook with our internet connection has been like pulling teeth. If I try in the middle of the day it might be easier.

That's all I just had to document the fact that things are being done, baby steps... one at a time.

17 May 2010


I'm trying to figure out how to phase this blog into the new one I'll have on my BRAND NEW WEBSITE!! Any suggestions?? I don't want to delete this blog by any means, I LOVE it - its full of memories, spastic late night study rants, travels, and the lingering giggles of the last 2 years.

pondering on how to do it...

Anyways, Lesley finally got a blog - and she had a post last week of listing 23 things about herself. Last year when I graduated Kristi gave me an awesome book called, List Yourself - for those of us who are obsessive and love to fill our worlds with sticky notes and to-do lists. In the book you have tons of lists that you can describe different aspects of your life at different stages - I'm loving it. So this post its a combination of that, with the creation of my new photography business a way of me to reflect on what I feel makes me Katie.

1. I wish I had taken more computer classes in school, oops.

2. I'm obsessed with going green.

3. Gardening is a new passion of mine. I go and check on my tomato plants 2x a day.

4. My little puppy has turned into a giant LION of a dog. However that makes sense. :) and yet I still really want another one.

5. the people at Anthropologie know my name - I'm not ashamed... in fact, I'm slightly proud.

6. I love Stell's Chai Latte with Soy the best, I would actually move back up to Redlands to be closer to them.

7. I'm starting my photography business - which has me excited, nervous, very smiley and terrified all at once.

8. I think I must have lived in Paris in a former life or something! my heart aches to live there, Its like SEVERE homesickness. :\

9. I have a genetic Travel bug... I can't get enough of it, and sitting at home during the summer is complete Torture.

10. As much as I love clothes, when I'm home I grab my hubby's t-shirts and sweatpants - I'm pretty sure there is nothing more comfortable.

11. I should probably go to sleep earlier at night, but I'm a night owl and no matter how tired I get I can't get in bed before 10:30. :\

12. I hate strawberries and eggplant (generally) - but I'll eat anything that didn't have a family, eyes, face, or belongs to the Animal Kingdom.

13. ... on that note, I'm a proud member of PETA. I may not agree with all the people who are also members, but I believe that their overall goals are genuine and good - my love of animals is a big part of me.

14. I'm actually pretty politically involved - I would say that I identify most with the Libertarian party.

15. I do not like Obama or most programs that are masked with the label of "social issues," but am quite liberal - just not with the government. haha, I really don't fit anywhere.

16. I've been to Thailand 3 times, and can't wait to go again next summer.

17. I made a promise to myself a long time ago to see all 50 States in the USA by the time I hit 25 - I just turned 23 last month and realized that I only have Alaska, Hawaii, North Dakota and the New England states left. My mission has become more difficult and pressing. haha

18. I've been with my hubby since we were juniors in high school, and I love him more every single day - this summer we've been married 3 years! LOVE it! :)

19. I'm obsessed with LOST - don't judge me, but I serious do NOT know what I'm going to do with the series finale next week. What will I do??? ah!

20. I've been watching General Hospital for 14 years. again... don't judge me.

21. Despite popular opinion, my eyes are green - not blue. well... MORE green than blue. haha

22. Dragonflies are my thing... so deal. I have dragonfly everything and I love them. :)

23. The future makes me nervous, but I really can't wait to see what will happen in the next year.

Okay all... I have to get back to work on the website. Again - give me ideas on what I should do with combining the sites???

18 April 2010

Birthday #23.

Best birthday so far. :)

I love my husband, family & friends.

Thank you world.

16 April 2010

Grad Photoshoot - 03.26.10

Hi everyone!
A few weeks ago I had the awesome opportunity to do a graduation announcement shoot with one of my dearest friends Kendra. I met her when we were 15 and on a mission trip in Thailand. Her loyalty to and love for her friends is one of my favorite things about her and I'm lucky to have her as a friend. (She's wicked fun to hang out with too).
This June, she will be graduating from the university with her degree in English. She was brave enough to give me a shot with my camera and let me take some pictures for her. Here are some of my favorites.

& my personal favorite.

So thank you Chica for the awesome opportunity :)

15 April 2010

My Sneaky Hubby

He totally did NOT have permission to get a sleeping picture.
but look how cuddley my puppy is. :) He does this every morning...

4 days

Its my birthday in just 4 days!!!

Just had to put that out there.

29 March 2010

Is March really almost over??

Where did this month go???
I'm so in love with Spring, I don't want it to go away too quickly!

Yesterday Charlie & I worked on our vegetable garden some more,
its turning out quite nice.
We got in the bell peppers, hot peppers and 2 types of tomatoes -
next we're working on flowers, lettuce, onions, cucumbers & possibly celery and carrots.

Booth has been hanging out by the pool quite a bit, jumping in every so often to exercise/cool off.

I'll put up a picture tomorrow of our awesome garden.

26 March 2010

Spring Time is Here

Something tells me that Spring is here... Booth is jumping around, chasing birds & biting at flowers.

Charlie and I started working out in the backyard this week, planting some vegetables and flowers. The orange tree in the back is full of blossoms, making the air (for once) breathable. I'm looking forward to summer when the pool is warm enough to get in without freezing to death, but I have to say there is something about the feel of spring. Granted spring has always been my favorite season - I wish California had more things in bloom, but I'll take the tree in our front yard.

It makes me smile. I had to get a picture of the branches.
I hope you all are enjoying the feel of spring as much as I am. :)

03 March 2010

Job Hunt

I've spent the last several hours looking for & applying to jobs up in Seattle.
Send prayers and good luck vibes???


26 February 2010

If you haven't watched it.... You're missing out!

I'm seriously craving my comfort movies... I don't know whats up with me??

This is my #1 FAVORITE movie of all time! Sound of Music comes in at a CLOSE #2... but this takes the cake.
the music, the story, the drama... everything.
I've read the book numerous times, and it just suffered terminal water damage so I'm in need of a new copy.
Poor Charlie has no idea that the 12+ hour movie marathon is about to begin... hehe

Girls Night

Anyone wanna eat Mac & Cheese cassorole, ice cream & lots of tissues so we can watch Beaches?? I'm in need...

23 February 2010

Piles and Piles

Will the piles of papers and stuff to "go through" ever get smaller???
I'm trying to get our tax stuff together - what a pain. haha

On a brighter note - my own personal foot warmer/dog-child is one of the greatest gifts on this earth.
and a cup of hot tea always hits the spot.

19 February 2010

Doris Elaine Venden Sharp

I've been avoiding doing this post.
So I'm sorry for the long delay. This past January my grandmother passed away.
She had lymphoma, and from what we've learned the cancer had spread to other parts of her body. Needless to say, its been a tremendous loss in my life and I'm not quite sure how to process it all. I'm going to miss her laugh and her hugs; she always wanted to know what we were doing, making sure we were okay and happy.

So what I wanted to do was to share a bit of her life, a little snapshot into who she was -

My grandma as a little girl.

There's Doris, the middle of 3 daughters, Reatha is the oldest and Jean is the youngest.

She was a daughter & a sister.
(From left to right, Jean, my great-grandma Nellie, great-grandpa Dan, Doris & Reatha)

Isn't she pretty?
She was a nurse, went to Loma Linda University School of Nursing & lived in Lindsey Hall.

I love this picture, her early 20s - my age now.

She was a bride, and a beautiful one at that. 1950.

My grandparents with their first 2 children at my grandpa's college graduation - from LA SIERRA UNIVERSITY!!! I LOVE this picture, I graduated on that mall just this last June. Pretty cool if you ask me. :)

She had a family, and it was her entire world.

4 children (yes, that's my mom on the left... I know, I look like her. )

Doris with 3 of her children, Doug, my mom Barbara & Walter.

Look at us - what a great family, we're missing quite a few of us in this picture, but you can see how awesome we are. :)
I love my family.

and she even loved Booth. :) He went to visit her quite often and loved sleeping at her feet at the nursing home.

She loved music, playing the piano & singing - both talents that she passed on to most of the family, somehow that gene skipped me completely, haha. Her favorite color was blue, all shades of it; and her favorite movie was Sound of Music (which is also my favorite movie.) She loved getting her hair done and being girly.
She spent her life serving others, never complained about anything.
That was my grandma, she was a fine lady.

And I'm really going to miss her.

17 February 2010

"I Wanna Go Play..."

This was taken a few weeks ago, during the wonderful week of rain.
The poor puppy wanted to go outside soooo bad, but we knew he'd turn into a mud ball. :/

But don't feel too bad for him, on the last forecasted day of rain, Charlie & I took him outside for a 40 minute job in the pouring rain. We had a blast! I was completely frozen, but it was an amazing feeling to run with my husband and pooch with the rain in my face. It was a good day.
Needless to say it was topped off with a nice bath for the mud ball. :)

Needless to say, Booth is desperately waiting for the next week of rain :)

16 February 2010

My family.

I have 2 boys in my life - that make it complete.

and because of them,
I'll survive Anything!!!


I'm so tired of all of this.

I'm VERY ready to move FAR away and start all over.

I need a clean slate, a new beginning.

Seattle here we come. Soon. Very Very Soon.

28 January 2010


At 10:02 am Thursday January 28, 2010
my wonderful grandmother died.

maybe I'll have more to say when I'm not so numb.


Every time I see this scene - tears & chills.


Over the past few months I've been contemplating a concept that is perhaps a simple one.
A concept that is really simple, not easy. (There is a difference)
I've been confronted with the idea of what a friend is and what that means in my life.
I looked up the official definition - just so we're all clear on what we're discussing... Or I guess I'm discussing with the wide open void that my thoughts go and rest.
This is what I found:

friend (frend)
1. a person attached to another by feelings or affection or personal regard
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter.
3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile.
4. a member of the same nation, party, etc.
as a verb (used with object):
5. Rare. to befriend
6. make friends with, to enter into friendly relations with; become a friend to.

and then some of the synonyms are:
comrade, chum, crony, confidant, aquaintance, backer, advocate, ally, associate, confrere, compatriot.

So how are we doing? Are we on the same page now?

Throughout the 22 (almost 23) years of my life, I would say that I've been blessed with amazing friends - some come to stick around and others leave. I would consider myself very lucky with the experiences that I've had, and the amazing people that have been brought into my life. Every once in a while there is a special friend that comes along, someone you can be yourself with, who understands you 110% and doesn't suck you dry of your energy.
Among the friends I've had in my life I've had Very few people who I consider to be a
True friend.

Do you ever get tired of always putting yourself "out there" for other people - only to have them put you on a shelf & treat you as "expendable?"
I've been struggling because even though I thought I'd been meticulous in choosing who would be allowed to get close to me again after all the fiasco friendships I've had - I once again found myself wondering if I was forgetting something in the definition of friend.
That's when I looked it up. lol
I bolded and italicized some of the descriptions that I really resonate with -
I definitely believe that a Friend is rare.
They are someone who you can confide in - and then trust.
Support is a must.
A true friend is someone who you want to be associated with...

I'm sorry if I sound like I'm rambling. I've been struggling on figuring out how to get it out into the world of my blog - maybe my brain will stop festering and mulling everything over.
That's the point of a blog right??
What I want to say is that I'm SOOO thankful for my amazing friends, who are there to support me, trust me & who I can trust, back me up, who believe in me and who are there to give me a hug, discuss things from photography to our love of food, play wii with us, listen, dream along with us, call me, text me, twitter or skype me - Thank you for showing up and just being there. Thank you for loving me, bumps & bruises, tears & flaws, laughs & obsessions... and Like me.


26 January 2010

time for a nap

I'm tired.
The saying - When it rains, it pours.
Its never been more true.

I wish I had patience.
I wish I could fast forward time.

goodnight. i'm tired.

18 January 2010

Rainy Day

This morning I woke up to the sound of the rain dripping through the leaves in the front of the house.
It made me smile.

I put on sweatpants and my old senior year sweatshirt,
went into the kitchen and made hot tea.

I've been working on my computer all day,
with Booth snuggling on my feet - keeping me warm.
The window is wide open so I can hear the pouring rain,
I miss this weather so much.
I can't wait to live in Seattle.
I need rain.
I need cloudy days where it is totally allowed to bundle up in blankets,
drink hot tea,
snuggle with my 100 pound fluff pot dog,
watch good movies
and just soak up life.

I love today.

17 January 2010

My Child.

Ok so I don't have kids.
I have a 100 pound golden retriever,
who is like my child.
A lot of people don't get consider animals as
a part of the family.
Well we do.
They have feelings and emotions
& QUITE the personality.

Here's proof.

So the other day Charlie and I were going to see my parents
Booth gets the back of the Mini as his "seat."
Charlie pulled out the camera and started taking pictures.
The first one:

Then Mr. Man realized the camera was on him,
he must have her the "click"
and this is what he did...

Ya... he LOVES the camera.
Cutest. Face. Ever.

That's my child.

13 January 2010


As many of you know, Charlie and I are DREAMERS…and therefore we’re trying to look at the positive things that we want in our future. Over the last few months Charlie and I have been working on a little project. I fully believe that everything happens for a reason and because the last few months have been… challenging – we were looking for a way to motivate ourselves & this idea came up. After writing out our “bucket lists,” we went through magazines and advertisements, found tons of pictures of things that represented these dreams we want in our lives.

Dream –noun:an aspiration; goal; aim:

So here’s our hard work, all put together… we’ll be adding to it as we keep on dreaming.

We put it up in our room, so every morning we can start the day off by remembering what it is that we’re working towards.

Can you find one of my favorite pieces?? Lol

07 January 2010

New Day, New Month, New Year & a New Decade

I can't believe how much has changed last year.

I graduated from college
Booth had his first birthday
We started a business
Moved... twice
I went to a photography workshop & fell in love with my hobby even more.
Charlie took his MCAT & applied to Medical Schools
We celebrated 2 years of marriage.
Built a snowman with Charlie

in 2010:
Charlie is graduating from college
Booth will turn 2 & we'll be getting a new puppy :)
Our business is going to skyrocket
We're moving, away... up North
I'm starting my photography business
We'll find out where Charlie is going to Medical School
We'll be married for 3 years
and will be spending Christmas & New Years in London and Paris.

It's going to be a good year.