26 February 2010

If you haven't watched it.... You're missing out!

I'm seriously craving my comfort movies... I don't know whats up with me??

This is my #1 FAVORITE movie of all time! Sound of Music comes in at a CLOSE #2... but this takes the cake.
the music, the story, the drama... everything.
I've read the book numerous times, and it just suffered terminal water damage so I'm in need of a new copy.
Poor Charlie has no idea that the 12+ hour movie marathon is about to begin... hehe

Girls Night

Anyone wanna eat Mac & Cheese cassorole, ice cream & lots of tissues so we can watch Beaches?? I'm in need...

23 February 2010

Piles and Piles

Will the piles of papers and stuff to "go through" ever get smaller???
I'm trying to get our tax stuff together - what a pain. haha

On a brighter note - my own personal foot warmer/dog-child is one of the greatest gifts on this earth.
and a cup of hot tea always hits the spot.

19 February 2010

Doris Elaine Venden Sharp

I've been avoiding doing this post.
So I'm sorry for the long delay. This past January my grandmother passed away.
She had lymphoma, and from what we've learned the cancer had spread to other parts of her body. Needless to say, its been a tremendous loss in my life and I'm not quite sure how to process it all. I'm going to miss her laugh and her hugs; she always wanted to know what we were doing, making sure we were okay and happy.

So what I wanted to do was to share a bit of her life, a little snapshot into who she was -

My grandma as a little girl.

There's Doris, the middle of 3 daughters, Reatha is the oldest and Jean is the youngest.

She was a daughter & a sister.
(From left to right, Jean, my great-grandma Nellie, great-grandpa Dan, Doris & Reatha)

Isn't she pretty?
She was a nurse, went to Loma Linda University School of Nursing & lived in Lindsey Hall.

I love this picture, her early 20s - my age now.

She was a bride, and a beautiful one at that. 1950.

My grandparents with their first 2 children at my grandpa's college graduation - from LA SIERRA UNIVERSITY!!! I LOVE this picture, I graduated on that mall just this last June. Pretty cool if you ask me. :)

She had a family, and it was her entire world.

4 children (yes, that's my mom on the left... I know, I look like her. )

Doris with 3 of her children, Doug, my mom Barbara & Walter.

Look at us - what a great family, we're missing quite a few of us in this picture, but you can see how awesome we are. :)
I love my family.

and she even loved Booth. :) He went to visit her quite often and loved sleeping at her feet at the nursing home.

She loved music, playing the piano & singing - both talents that she passed on to most of the family, somehow that gene skipped me completely, haha. Her favorite color was blue, all shades of it; and her favorite movie was Sound of Music (which is also my favorite movie.) She loved getting her hair done and being girly.
She spent her life serving others, never complained about anything.
That was my grandma, she was a fine lady.

And I'm really going to miss her.

17 February 2010

"I Wanna Go Play..."

This was taken a few weeks ago, during the wonderful week of rain.
The poor puppy wanted to go outside soooo bad, but we knew he'd turn into a mud ball. :/

But don't feel too bad for him, on the last forecasted day of rain, Charlie & I took him outside for a 40 minute job in the pouring rain. We had a blast! I was completely frozen, but it was an amazing feeling to run with my husband and pooch with the rain in my face. It was a good day.
Needless to say it was topped off with a nice bath for the mud ball. :)

Needless to say, Booth is desperately waiting for the next week of rain :)

16 February 2010

My family.

I have 2 boys in my life - that make it complete.

and because of them,
I'll survive Anything!!!


I'm so tired of all of this.

I'm VERY ready to move FAR away and start all over.

I need a clean slate, a new beginning.

Seattle here we come. Soon. Very Very Soon.