Here we are at the beginning of yet another spring break,
the last spring break of my school career.
Needless to say this last quarter has been very difficult,
but we have survived!!
Quantitative Psychology is behind me
I completed a statistics course by correspondence...
and now there are only 86 days between me and graduation!
Charlie and I are moving over break...
I'm registered for 21 units this next quarter,
hopefully it won't be awful?
Booth is grown up,
still very adorable, but no longer a puppy.

I'll post more over break... I'm off to go to sleep!
omg! thanks for posting!! no, booth is not a puppy anymore :( but YES he his so adorable.
yay! for quant! i still can't believe we survived :)
86 days???!! can't wait!!!
he's an official GIANT! a giant who likes to jump on your lap when trying to watch tv.
you're leaving tomorrow early? i don't want to go to Child Life without you... :(
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