I wish I could show you all my daily planner - The next 10 weeks have every line filled and even sticky notes to keep everything in order and hopefully done one time.
Today was ok - my nose and throat are feeling better. yay! Its just my head.
Are these senior classes supposed to make you depressed?? My NSCI class was all about our negative effect on the environment and basically how we're destroying the world. great. :\ and my Senior Capstone class made me think heavy heavy thoughts... too much for a sudafed filled brain.
So here I am, sitting here at my desk (which is covered in books and papers) trying to just organize my night of studying - Pray I get it all done! Thankfully I get to run to Barnes and Noble to get my additional readings for two of my classes and I have my audio books (Twilight and such) to keep me company on these study-filled evenings. :)
4 more days until the weekend!!! :)
i hear you sista!! but we can do it!
i hope you feel better :( i know you dont need to be sick on top of everything else you have to do. :(
"just keep swimming..."
Yay for Post-its!
I'm sorry you're still feeling sick, but you'll get better soon! And when you do, you'll feel a lot better about the next few weeks. Soon it will be over, and you will be done with your BA! =)
"Four days until the weekend!!!"
LOL. Oh Katie. =)
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