13 January 2010


As many of you know, Charlie and I are DREAMERS…and therefore we’re trying to look at the positive things that we want in our future. Over the last few months Charlie and I have been working on a little project. I fully believe that everything happens for a reason and because the last few months have been… challenging – we were looking for a way to motivate ourselves & this idea came up. After writing out our “bucket lists,” we went through magazines and advertisements, found tons of pictures of things that represented these dreams we want in our lives.

Dream –noun:an aspiration; goal; aim:

So here’s our hard work, all put together… we’ll be adding to it as we keep on dreaming.

We put it up in our room, so every morning we can start the day off by remembering what it is that we’re working towards.

Can you find one of my favorite pieces?? Lol

1 comment:

Yvette said...

yay-for dream board!! I'm thinking I should make one too! What a great way of staying inspired :)