16 April 2010

Grad Photoshoot - 03.26.10

Hi everyone!
A few weeks ago I had the awesome opportunity to do a graduation announcement shoot with one of my dearest friends Kendra. I met her when we were 15 and on a mission trip in Thailand. Her loyalty to and love for her friends is one of my favorite things about her and I'm lucky to have her as a friend. (She's wicked fun to hang out with too).
This June, she will be graduating from the university with her degree in English. She was brave enough to give me a shot with my camera and let me take some pictures for her. Here are some of my favorites.

& my personal favorite.

So thank you Chica for the awesome opportunity :)


Kendra said...

Awwwww this made me all teary-eyed. I love you & thank you for my photos! They're beautiful!

Yvette said...

I love all of them! I esp love the last one! It shows so much of emotion/happiness. Great angle!!